
Saturday, 1 March 2014

What next for Badrubhai

 Continuation of this story about the Mastermind at LRM

We imagine that Sadrubhai's brother is probably stashed in a home somewhere.  When he was in Avenue Psychiatric Unit he went to be excused and left some papers, including his brother's contact under his pillow.  By the time he came back it was gone.  He expressed his suspicions to his brother about how they disappeared.  Sadrubhai did not anticipate that the 'kidnappers' were waiting for him and me to disappear (and had an informer in the unit) before they would have him moved to another place.  A mastermind had been at work.  We want to know who that is - is it someone attempting to protect Badrubhai and make him comfortable, or the LRM from further exposure and discomfiture?

What if Badrubhai wants to contact his brother, right now?  How do we find him?

If anyone can help us locate him we should be eternally grateful.  Sadrubhai is worried and constantly praying.

We are very lucky to have Sadrubhai with us.  For one he is a veteran cricketer and we went over the scores of India versus Sri Lanka.  It appears that the latter are slated to win - the last we saw.  I read him a blow by blow account of the Asia 2014 game at Fatullah from Cricket Country.  It is delightful to read the blow-by-blow account of the game and watch him getting a thrill from the "Four!", "Six!" and "OUT!" as it moves along.

It is night, now, after jamat khana.  We went to the 'seminar' with Reza Shah Kazemi talking about 'the loving compassion of Allah'.  Mukhi Kamadia were all seated in the front, in a row.  Reza was talking about how Hadhrat Ali set an example by leading his people fairly, giving honour to his enemies where it was due, till the last moment when they decided to fight him and, eventually, murder him.  He talked about staggered system of self-defense where he would not defend himself in a fight with arms that were superior or greater than the enemy proposed to use against him: Combat through debate (by the faculty of intellect and speech) being the first front; then hand to hand combat, if that is what the opponent decided to resort to; use of his sword against their sword if it came to that, and so on.

Today the planet Mercury moved into another house over Nairobi, I am given to understand.  I am told that something has taken place in regard to Badrubhai in the resultant transit.  I hope it is something positive.

Clearly everyone to do with leadership and LRM and council is in a quandary because they are on the wrong side of the truth.  I am very worried so we had better keep praying.  I hope they don't lack in compassion in this case, in loving compassion, and stop troubling Badrubhai, who is craving to be with his brother for support.  I hope they turn to the teaching of Hadhrat Ali and the Imam of the Time and surrender to the appropriateness of loving compassion and help release them and let them go home.

I hope Naheed wakes up early and will not be coached by anyone.  I hope he listens to his heart and relents.

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