We have now been involved in getting set to develop our FLP Aloe Vera for about a week now.
During that time I researched some websites on Google where I learned about oheithers who have given several testimonies on their use of the products. Here are some links (I have to repair the links on previous posts, too, so please bear with me):
Aloe Vera Gel Drinks
5 Nov 2010 ... Now, Forever Living Products brings the power of the plant and. ... A daily dose of Aloe Vera Gel can be just what your skin is thirsting ...
www.squidoo.com › Topics › Healthy Living - Cached - Similar
Today we went to Eastern Cuisine in Kirima House on 5th Avenue Parklands opposite the Aga Khan Sports Ground. I recommend this place. I had targeted my crazy aunt, Shery, my mother Shirin, Parvis the teacher and Sadru Jamal as possibles for my marketing plan. I got a hold of my upline, Beldina, who brought her mother, Kasema to treat us to a presentation of FLP, which they did. We ordered bhajias and chai and, as usual, Zinat Lalji's food has got a touch of class - it is rich with taste and lined in understated perfection. The Maru Bhajias were polished off with tea.
The upshot of this is that all my targets are very likely to join me in the project of being purveyors of health and wealth through our company, Forever Living Products of Scottsdale, Arizona. I am looking forward to hearing from you to give me the opportunity to guide you on what I have learned so far:
FLP is an ethical company with integrity that now serves 146 countries with a combined turnover of USD.2.65bn. It is the fourth largest network marketing organisation in the world but it is the only one with a presence in Africa. Wherever it goes it plants infrastructure institutionally in order to exponentially raise the value of the state in which they invest. This creates unparallelled...
Ahmed has just brought in these magnificent inverters for the villages! Take a look at them and see what they can do!
...confidence in the state, raising its value and enabling parents to generate and bequeath this value to their children.
Our upline's name is Beldina and she brought her mother, Kasema, to give us the presentation. It is not easy here to put into words what Mama Beldina conveyed to us but if I were to attempt to word it in a nutshell I should say that she is talking about a new world and a new way to negotiate that world with help of technology and high standards. Using FLP Aloe Vera is about eradicating disease and fear of disease and spreading the word about it is, in effect, spreading the paradigm of enabling others to set aside their struggle and join the company in its mission to eradicate poverty without compromising on standards, on integrity and on ethics.
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