
Saturday, 14 June 2014



Roadmap to World War III

What went wrong?  Blair continues to deny responsibility for his and Bush's share in the destruction of Iraq (for the sake of oil).  He'll probably say the same about Libya. Will Blair be decorated for courage and wisdom and leadership or will he fade away and simply die of Alzheimers?  Will Iran cross the border to Iraq?  What will happen if the dynamics change?  Would the countries sponsoring the ISIS/ ISIL warlords with weapons be under threat?  Remember Iran is the consummate war planner and has proximity to the cultures, the geography, the languages and the heart of the region.  Would Iran be caught on two fronts, opening a tentative window of boldness from Israel?  Or will this give Iran the opportunity to annex a part of Iraq and demonstrate leadership by stitching up the Syria/ Iraq border?  Look at the number of countries in the region and the map.  What will Russia be thinking?  China?

How does all this affect Kenya?  I will attempt to link up the questions with the answers right here but I'll post this immediately because it is of interest to my readers.

  1. Fall of Iraq and Syria to Terrorists – ISIL/ISIS – Islamic State ...
    5 days ago - Some of that was then picked up by ISIS aka ISIL, taken into Syria, and used to capture ... This could be the true beginning of World War III.
  2. Updated: Fall of Iraq and Syria to Terrorists – ISIL/ISIS ...
    5 days ago - Some of that was then picked up by ISIS aka ISIL, taken into Syria, and used to capture ... This could be the true beginning of World War III. ... However, they hate Israel and the U.S. more than Iran, North Korea, and all other ...
  3. The Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq ...
    5 hours ago - In Syria, the Al Nusrah and ISIS rebels are the foot-soldiers of the Western ... The formation of a terrorist entity encompassing both Iraq and Syria was part of .... bearing in mind that Iran is supportive of the Al Maliki government and the ... His most recent book is entitled Towards a World War III Scenario: The ...
  4. Inching Toward World War III? | Fig Trees and Vineyards
    16 hours ago - ISIL, also referred to as ISIS or DAASH, has been associated with numerous ... Saudia Arabia's support for ISIL puts it at loggerheads with Iran. ... allowed the Saudis to wreak havoc in Syria and Iraq by arming terrorists whose ...
  5. Iraq in CrISIS: ISIS Seizes Control of Key Cities – But Who or ...
    1 day ago - While ISIl ( aka ISIS, see story below) fighters gained the most attention ... In Shiite powerhouse Iran, President Hassan Rouhani blasted the Islamic State as “barbaric. ... The Sunni Islamist militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), ..... For anyone who fears World War III, a false-flag operation, ...
  6. Respect: Syrian Air Defence Forces attacked an ISIL (ISIS ...
    20 hours ago - Syrian Air Defence Forces attacked an ISIL (ISIS) convoy at the border with Iraq, .... Iran helps Iraq while the USA and NATO refuses, bu. ... 1948 Nakba to the 1967 Naksa · Provoking World War III Antagonizing the Dragon an.
  7. The Evening Blues - 6-11-14 - Daily Kos
    Daily Kos
    3 days ago - “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV ... the fall of Mosul to forces from the Islamic State of Iraq in Syria (Isis) – also known ... “Isil continues to gain strength from the situation in Syria, from which it ..... A tier-3 ranking would rank Thailand alongside Iran, North Korea and ...
  8. Global justice | A platform — maintained by Ameen ...
    15 hours ago - He ordered that ISIL leave Syria and return to Iraq. But al-Baghdadi refused. An angry al-Zawahiri ordered the disbanding of the ISIS. ... For Iran, the stability of Iraq is imperative for economic gains. ..... than a formula to find a peaceful solution to the growing crisis which threatens to trigger World War III.
  9. Europe
    3 days ago - Iran's official IRNA news agency on Friday reported that former members of ... are determined to get their General Middle East War and World War III. ... from the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) that ... But the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, apparently has routed an ...
  10. 2014 (Part Two)
    Iranian admiral says US aircraft carriers would be targeted in war - May 6, 2014. Death and desecration in Syria: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) 'crucifies' bodies to ... ISIL militants gather at Iraq's Nineveh province ..... Either that or World War III begins in 2013, is incredibly short in duration and over by summer 2014, ...

Prostitution, Sex Work, Ladies of the Night, "Whore", Courtesan, Accessible children, Malaya, Red Light...

What other words evoke the women and men involved in the trade of fulfilling the carnal fantasies of those who will purchase them?

The news still is that women who are on the lower rungs of socio-economic ladder - whatever their occupation, are working in the dark without oxygen while having to carry responsibilities that all women are carrying.

A good place (courtesy David Kuria Mbote and contribtors to the KPTJ* site) to start thinking about raising one's own awareness on vulnerable women who are also empowering themselves: (I left five comments here where the links below may be found)

For areas of life where people are suffering, everyone of us is responsible (ie you and I, included, Ashif) .  Where people who are fighting to survive against forces of neglect are making choices for themselves based on their own experiences and environment, they have to be supported.  By you and me.  Without this support to one deeply neglected sector of humanity there can be NO progress.  I believe that we are individually and as a whole affected by the state of our environment of which all human beings, especially the one's being pretended out of the picture are integrally a part.  A major obstacle to restoring security to those who are not being seen by those in power, except as object of abuse, is the self-deluding way in which we are being taught to define the meaning of the word, 'environment'.  But what does it really include, this word?

Whatever problems beleaguer our lives are conditioned by the approach the 1% takes towards the 99% of the population.

MCAs and all these other institutions offer poor evidence for proper direction.  Well, in terms of the real world and the direction in which it is supposed to go, today MCAs are simply irrelevant.

Now that the THIRD WORLD WAR may well have gotten well under way... what a mess.

*For access to the KPTJ site apply to : Here is the link.

Mohamed Jiwa
13.6.14 22:06 h, Edited 01:29h 21/6/14