Janis Schmidt
418 Griffin St.
Warwick, ND 58381
April 10, 2014,
Benson Co. Social Services
108 East 4th St.
Minnewaukan, ND 58351
To whom it may concern:
As of this date, I no longer wish to partake in
the fascist food stamp system at this time. I am too late for April, having not
been informed in time.
The reason is because my benefits were reduced
from a month $112 to $34 despite the fact that I am a disabled senior living in
a state that is filthy rich in oil dollars. I called my caseworker who said she
was just following orders. She said I should feel lucky since most seniors have
to make do with $15 a month. At the same time, Obama decided and Congress voted
to give Ukraine $ 1 BILLION dollars without public approval.
If Obama and Congress were not the totalitarian
fascists they are, they would do what Putin is doing: go after the corporations
who sent all the manufacturing jobs overseas, arrest them and seize their
assests which, in truth, belong to the people. Then bring the jobs back as
cooperatives, people owned companies. Agencies such as Social Services need a
good shake down. They have way too much power which makes them a tool of our
fascist government.
Janis Schmidt